In this article we'll walk you through the process of integrating your SmarterSends instance with your ZMP account. There are a number of steps we'll take you through but this can be accomplished in 15 minutes or less.
SmarterSends uses the UTC timezone for all interactions with ZMP. So it's best to use a ZMP account that is set to the UTC timezone. Don't worry your users will be able to schedule campaigns using their own timezone but we use UTC for our interactions with ZMP.
- The items we'll need from your ZMP account are:
- Refresh Token
- SFTP Credentials
- Site ID
- A list of Properties for use within SmarterSends
In order to start the integration process, go ahead and log into both your ZMP account and your SmarterSends instance. We'll start in your ZMP account.
- Refresh Token
- In the side navigation, click Settings and then Integrations.
- Click on the "Keys & Apps" item
- Click the "Generate Token" button and copy the refresh token provided.
- SFTP Credentials
- Collect the SFTP Hostname for your account, typically, but please verify with your ZMP account representative.
- Copy the FTP Username from the same page your generated the refresh token from.
Click the eye icon next to your FTP Secret Key and copy the value
- Copy your Site Id from the same page.
Let's jump over to your SmarterSends instance.
- Click the Email Service Provider item in the sidebar.
- Select "Zeta Global (ZMP)" from the dropdown.
- Paste your Refresh Token in the Refresh Token field.
- Click the "Test API Access".
- If the Refresh Token is correct, you'll see a message stating that the API Access is Successful.
- Paste the SFTP Hostname into the SFTP Host field.
- Paste the FTP Username into the SFTP Username field.
- Paste the FTP Secret Key into the SFTP Password field.
- Paste the Site Id into the Site Id field.
- If you want to restrict which properties your users can interact with for importing data and/or personalization, check the Restrict Import Fields checkbox. You can select which properties your users will be able to use as personalization tags or to import data into.
- Click Save and you are Integrated!
In order to see metrics for your campaigns sent through SmarterSends, you'll need to setup a Report within ZMP and automate it to deliver that data to the SFTP account.
- In your ZMP account, click on the Analytics item in the sidebar.
- Click the "Report Builder" item.
- Click the "Build a New Report" button
- In the "Data" section, select the Customer Marketing dataset.
- Click the Dimensions section and select "Campaign ID".
- Click the Metrics section and select the following metrics:
- Sent
- Opens
- Total Opens
- Clicks
- Total Clicks
- Revenue
- Unsubscribes
- Complained
- Hard Bounced
- Soft Bounced
- Click the Filters section and select "Campaign Tag" equals "smartersends"
- Click the "Narrative" section and confirm your report matches the following:
- Now let's Automate it.
- Click the three dots at the top of the screen and select Export/Automate.
- Set the Report Name to "smartersends_aggregate_stats". It is critical that the name matches or our system will not be able to find the data within ZMP.
- Select SFTP under "Send Report to"
- Click Next
- Select "SFTP Default Location" and click Next.
- Click the "Add Subdirectory" link and select the "reports" item.
- Make sure the File Type is set to CSV
- Click the Automate Report toggle
- Set the "Send my report" value to "Daily"
- Include data from should be set to "Last 30 days"
- The "At" value should be set to 1 hour before your typical business hours. We look for the report file every hour on the hour so this can be set to any time you like but we suggest to make it on the half hour e.g. 8:30 AM.
- Finally click the "Schedule Export" button.
- That's it. SmarterSends will now look for the file in the SFTP account and combine that data with the campaign information within SmarterSends to expose campaign metrics for your users.
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