Audiences is where a user that has permission to manage their own audiences will upload and manage their own audience lists in SmarterSends. Note: SmarterSends does not store any audience data. The audience data that is uploaded into SmarterSends is immediately passed into the ESP, and SmarterSends simply references that audience in the mailings creation process.
Contacts uploaded into SmarterSends by a user will be governed by the Import Field Restriction settings in the Email Service Provider tab under the configure section.
Don’t forget, audiences are group specific. Audiences uploaded into a group will not be available to other groups in the system. As you can see, the lists available under the Default group are different to the lists available under the sales group.
Creating an audience is easy. Simply click on Create Audience, give the audience a name, select what type of audience it is. Some ESP’s have multiple types of audiences. In this case Cordial only has a single type of audience. Select a CSV file from your computer. The system will automatically scan the column headers of the file and, based on the import field restrictions defined in the Email Service Provider settings, match the relevant column headers to the relevant fields.
In this example the system matched three out of the four fields and did not find a Location ID field. We can then select the correct field from the available headers in the CSV file and associate the Location ID to one of those rows.
Once we have defined the field mapping for our audience, we can click on Save
The audience will start the process of being added into SmarterSends and the ESP. We will automatically go from waiting status, to importing status to done. Once the process is complete we will receive a notification that the audience is ready to be used in future mailings.
You can also add contacts, remove contacts, search contacts within an existing audience or delete the audience. Please note: Deleting an audience from SmarterSends does delete the audience from the ESP. This is to ensure any mailings previously scheduled to that audience can still be sent.
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